Sunday, August 1, 2010

Last Wednesday I went to the San Francisco consulate for my visa appointment. I was super excited and also nervous that I might have forgotten something. Everything went well except for one thing. They didn't accept my doctor's note, so now I have to try to get a new one. I called the local health clinic and they want $229 for a physical! Eff that, I got one for $50 in Sacramento. I'll probably have to make the 2 1/2 hour drive back to Sacramento to visit the same clinic. Maybe I can sweet talk them into writing me another note in the correct wording without charging me for a physical again. Good thing I have such good friends that I can stay with in Sac.

I'm spending the summer just working to save money for before I go to Spain. I was lucky to find a job so quickly here in Lakeport. The first job I applied to called me for an interview, unheard of. It doesn't pay much and is only part time, but since I'm living with my parents for the summer that isn't so bad. I need to save everything I can so I have money to last until I start getting paid from the auxiliar job, which could be until Christmas! One thing that is nice about not knowing any people here is that nobody calls me to go out and spend money!

Is it weird that I'm more nervous about logistical things like money for rent and food than actually moving to another country? I'm surprising calm about the thought of living with strangers who most likely won't speak a word of English. I guess it's just my blind optimism showing again.

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