Monday, October 25, 2010

What I Miss

I'm finally starting to actually feel settled here in Don Benito. Things feel normal, I have a routine. Still haven't made friends with locals, but I've made the acquaintance of a few.

I've been gone long enough to miss things now. I am really craving Mexican food and an In-N-Out cheeseburger. Yes mom I miss your cooking too. The stir-fry with the snow peas and peanuts would be awesome right now. I miss my queen size bed. My bed here is about six inches too short, I sleep with one foot on the footboard. I miss American water heaters, our pilot light keeps blowing out unexpectedly which sucks when you want to take a shower in the morning. I also miss having a weekly paycheck, we probably won't get paid for another month and I'm surviving off of private lesson money. I miss American pop music. The music here, while growing on me, is all European techno-pop.

Things I don't miss: having to drive EVERYWHERE. $3.50 cups of coffee, it's highway robbery when you think of how little it really costs to make. Commercial breaks on tv every 12 minutes. American women in general. Sorry ladies, ya'll are completely outclassed by the Spanish chicks over here. Maybe you should get off your iPhones and get some fresh air? No there's not an app for that.

This weekend we had a few friends from other towns stay with us in Don Benito. It was nice to have some friends over to party with. On friday we went to the botellon just outside of town which is where everyone takes their cars and plays music from huge speakers and drinks in the parking lot. This type of thing would never, ever happen in California. The police would break it up in a heartbeat. Here the police just circle around and make sure there everyone is alright.

While I wait to get paid from the Spanish government, I have made a mental list of places I plan on traveling to. Paris is at the top of the list, with Lisbon, Berlin, Salamanca and the north of Spain just below.

Hasta luego for now!

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